My Slow Morning for Fast Manifesting

In the busyness of modern life, it's easy to forget the power of starting our day on the right note. I've long advocated for the principle that abundance is not just a possibility—it's our birthright. However, accessing this endless stream of potential requires more than wishful thinking; it demands alignment with the right frequency. Through years of practice and teaching, I've honed a morning routine that doesn't just set the tone for the day but accelerates the process of manifestation. This routine is built around what I like to call the "3 P's": Prayer, Practice, and Proof.

I have come so that they may have life and have it in abundance.
— John 10:10

Prayer: Aligning with Divine Will

My mornings begin in silence, a sacred time dedicated to communication with the Divine Father. This is the cornerstone of my routine, where I engage in a heartfelt conversation with God. It's not just about presenting a list of requests; it's a deep, introspective process where I also listen. I listen for guidance, for messages, and for any wisdom that is being shared with me. This step is crucial because it reminds me that I am not alone in my journey. By aligning my desires with a higher will, I ensure that my actions and intentions are rooted in a purpose greater than myself.

Practice: Visualizing the Abundance

Following my prayer, I transition into a phase of active visualization, which I refer to as Practice. This is where the seeds of manifestation begin to sprout. I close my eyes and envision my life as if all my prayers have been answered. But it's more than just seeing—it's feeling, touching, sensing and living those moments in my mind's eye. This step is powerful because it reinforces my belief in the possibility of my desires becoming reality. By embodying the emotions and experiences associated with my goals, I elevate my frequency to match that of my aspirations.

Proof: Gratitude as a Catalyst

The final step in my morning routine is Proof, a practice grounded in gratitude. Here, I take about five minutes to reflect on and give thanks for the blessings already present in my life. From the air I breathe to the love of my family, every acknowledgment acts as proof of the abundance that already surrounds me. This practice not only cultivates a positive mindset but also serves as a reminder that manifestation is an ongoing process. By recognizing the manifestations that have already occurred, I strengthen my faith in those yet to come.

The Power of a Slow Morning

This slow morning routine is more than just a set of tasks; it's a ritual that primes me for a day of high vibration and alignment with the energy of abundance. In a world that often values speed and productivity over depth and connection, choosing to start my day with intention has been revolutionary. It's a process that allows me to manifest more quickly because of the energy I dedicate to it.

Abundance, in all its forms, is available all around us. Yet, tapping into this limitless potential requires us to step into the right frequency. The 3 P's—Prayer, Practice, and Proof—are not just steps but pillars of a lifestyle that embraces abundance living. By integrating these practices into our morning routines, we not only manifest our desires more effectively but also deepen our connection with the divine and with ourselves.

As we navigate the journey of life, let us remember that the key to manifesting abundance lies not in the grand gestures but in the quiet moments of our mornings. It's in these moments that we align our energy, set our intentions, and open our hearts to the infinite possibilities that await.


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The Beginners Guide to Manifestation