What’s it like becoming abundant

Living an abundant life is a journey marked by a profound transformation of perspective, from scarcity to sufficiency, and from sufficiency to lavishness. This journey not only reshapes our awareness and relationship with material wealth but also deepens our connection with the spiritual and emotional aspects of our lives. At the heart of this transformation lie the three A's of abundance: Appreciation, Awareness, and Amazement. Together, they form a pathway to a life replenished with fulfillment, purpose, and joy.

Appreciation: Recognizing the Blessings Offered by God

The first step towards living abundantly is cultivating a deep sense of appreciation for the complexity of blessings that surround us. This sense of gratitude is rooted in the recognition of divine generosity that permeates our lives. God has bestowed upon us countless gifts, from the air we breathe and the water that quenches our thirst, to the love of our family and the beauty of nature. These are not mere conveniences but profound blessings that enrich our lives in unrecognizable ways.

By consciously acknowledging and appreciating these gifts, we open our hearts to the abundance that already exists within and around us. This practice of gratitude shifts our focus from what we lack to what we possess, fostering a mindset of plenty that attracts even more abundance into our lives. It is in this recognition and celebration of divine generosity that we lay the foundation for a life of true abundance.

Awareness: Educating the Mind to Perceive Abundance Daily

Awareness is the bridge that connects appreciation to amazement. It involves training our minds to consistently recognize the abundance that permeates our everyday lives. This is not always easy, as our attention is often hijacked by the demands and distractions of the modern world. However, by cultivating mindfulness and presence, we can teach ourselves to notice the abundance that exists in the smallest of moments and the most ordinary of settings.

This heightened awareness allows us to see the world through a lens of abundance, where opportunities for growth, connection, and joy are plentiful. It teaches us to appreciate the richness of our experiences and the depth of our relationships. By becoming more aware of the abundance that surrounds us, we learn to live more fully, engage more deeply, and love more freely.

Amazement: Embracing a Miracle-Focused Life

The final A, amazement, is about experiencing life in a state of wonder and awe. It is the natural outcome of living with appreciation and awareness, where we not only recognize the abundance around us but also participate in its miraculous nature. This shift towards a miracle-focused life invites us to collaborate with God in the co-creation of our reality, where the boundaries between the possible and the impossible blur.

Living in amazement is about seeing the divine in the mundane, recognizing miracles in the everyday, and understanding our role as active participants in the unfolding of our abundant lives. It encourages us to dream bigger, love deeper, and live more boldly, anchored in the faith that with God, all things are possible. In this space, we are not just witnesses to miracles; we are co-creators, working hand in hand with Divinity in manifesting a life of sheer abundance.


The journey towards living an abundant life is transformative, challenging us to see the world and our place within it in a new light. By embracing the three A's of abundance—Appreciation, Awareness, and Amazement—we open ourselves to the infinite possibilities that life has to offer. This path is not merely about acquiring more but about becoming more: more grateful, more present, and more amazed at the wonder of existence. In doing so, we not only enrich our own lives but also contribute to the abundance of the world around us, creating a legacy of love, generosity, and joy that transcends our individual experiences.


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